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LTC+ Year in Review Webinar (July 2021)

Learn about the LTC+ Program’s impacts over its first year and upcoming initiatives.
Download LTC+ Year in Review Webinar (.pdf)


LTC+ Orientation Webinar

Learn About the LTC+ Program and Meet the Team
Presenters: Dr. Andrea Moser and Dr. Pauline Pariser
Download LTC+ Orientation and On-boarding Webinar (.pdf)


LTC+ Webinar Series

Management of Residents with COVID-19 in LTC Homes

Conversation led by a panel of specialists as they share lessons learned and offer practical advice on caring for LTC residents with COVID-19, and how LTC+ can play a role.
Presenters: Dr. Nisha Andany, Dr. Russell Goldman, Dr. Benjamin Kaasa, Dr. Rebecca Stovel and Dr. Camilla Wong
Download Management of Residents with COVID-19 in LTC Homes Webinar (.pdf)


Managing Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Long Term Care

Updates to the LTC+ Program (BSO, palliative supports, wound care), and how to manage BPSD in your residents.
Presenters: Dr. Andrea Moser, Dr. Pauline Pariser, Dr. Andrea Iaboni, Faith Malach, Jordanne Holland
Download Management of Dementia in LTC Homes Webinar (.pdf)


Facing Decline and Death in the Time of COVID: Conversations with Geriatric and Palliative Care

Discussion on how to access geriatric consults for your residents, and the palliative approach to care and challenges during COVID.
Presenters: Dr. Andrea Moser, Dr. Pauline Pariser, Dr. Camilla Wong, Dr. Warren Lewin
Download Geriatric & Palliative Care Webinar (.pdf)


Infection Prevention and Control in LTC: Everything you ever wanted to know but were too confined to ask

Review of COVID-19 transmission in LTC homes that experienced outbreaks during the first wave, and discussion on IPAC practices for protecting residents and healthcare workers in LTC facilities.
Presenters: Dr. Andrea Moser, Dr. Pauline Pariser, Dr. Jerome Leis
Download IPAC in LTC Webinar (.pdf)


ECHO Care of the Elderly for LTC: COVID-19 Webinar Series

Recorded webinars run by Baycrest and the North East Specialized Geriatric Centre (NESGC) to enhance the quality of care to LTC residents by improving the knowledge and skills of their PCPs. The webinars touch on topics such as end of life management for COVID-19 positive residents, infection control, anxiety and stress, rebuilding relationships with families, virtual care/eVisits, and provider burnout.
Watch Webinars


LTC+ Webinar – Update on the Management of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care

This webinar is intended to support providers in LTC homes with the management of COVID-19. The webinar will provide an understanding of the various COVID-19 therapies that can feasibly be provided for LTC Residents in a LTC setting as well as additional therapies that are available in an acute care setting.
Watch Webinar


Public Health Ontario: COVID-19 Aerosol Generation from Coughs and Sneezes

Public Health Ontario: COVID-19 Aerosol Generation from Coughs and Sneezes


Management of Patients with COVID-19 in Long-Term Care

Management of Patients with Covid in LTC


Science Table: COVID-19 Advisory for Ontario

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